Educational Technology
At Omani Higher Education Institutions
This study was conducted to determined the current prospective views on educational technology to try to solve some problems that the adopters may face and to increase the utilization of technology in higher education institutions.
The researchers used two questionnaires to carry out the problem. They also use the interview to collect data for the study.
ET is very important in the higher education institutions. It helps in deliver the content in different way. Students become very interactive in classroom that use technology more than classroom that does not use it. Integrating ET in learning process helps in changing teaching methods rather than lecture only.
Educational Technology and Learning:
From other research it seems that using simple educational technology such as instructional radio and films were as effective as traditional classroom instruction. Also students achievement was the same when using computer based instruction and using other kinds of classroom methods such as personal tutoring. So, from this we infer that students need to use more sophisticated educational technology differ from these tools. Students in technology or online environment interact more, write more, learn the content more quickly, show more self-motivation, work cooperatively with each others, show positive attitudes about the future, and understand and represent information better. Students in online learning environment don’t feel shy when expressing their thoughts and telling their opinions. From those results the researchers found that ET helps in improving students learning styles but it does not change the students achievements and grades.
Educational Technology Issues:
Higher education institutions gave ET an important position. The institutions have been equipped by different type of technologies because:
· improvements and new acquisition of modern technology and software
· improved administration support for media use in teaching
In the other hand, the institutions faced some problems when they integrate technology in teaching process such as:
· limited materials and resources.
· Inexperienced staff or personnel
· Limited training staff
The staff member in higher education institutions need more training in how to use technology in order to use it properly and benefit from it.
There are some problems with teachers in higher education institutions. Some of them face some problems in using technology. They don’t prepared well to use technology (preparation time was short). Some of them resist the use of technology because of many reasons:
· poorly designed software
· technophobia
· fear of redundancy where lecturer’s replacement by technology
· resentment of the technology as a competitor for student's attention
So, to solve those problems the researchers recommended that institutions must have a technology trainer to train the faculty how to use technology in effective way. The new technology need new skills but some faculty or teachers in Omani HE don’t have those skills so, they need to update their skills and they need some training focusing in in-service teachers. Also, all staff in HEI (administrators, faculty, and technicians ) must take technology courses to be able to use new technology. Also, it is very important to focus in teachers preparation programs which must gain them enough skills related to technology.
Educational Technology: New Applications
Nowadays, Omani higher education institutions use technology in schools, colleges, universities, ministries etc. SQU also integrate technology and e-learning by using WebCT as online learning management system with face to face instruction. Students can easily navigate through the internet seek about information and find them easily. They can use different type of technology.
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